about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
August 10, 2009

The Guy Who Did Our Logo

I was thinking recently about the past months and where it all started with betahaus. Something that was always visible from the beginning is our typo - logo and the green cursor thing that dominates our website and partly stickers, postcards and flyers. What I never mentioned is, that we are green and blinking thanks to a great artist who's name is Jens Robbers. And I wanted to shortly introduce him with this small feature. He is a Wupptertal (W-Upper-Valley) based Designer, that we were happy to work with for a couple of reasons in past projects.

He brought into being a very neat T-Shirt lable, called "Händs" that's worthy mentioning. You can see the newest shirt on the picture on the left. Another one of his big talents is Logodesign that always has got this little special thing in it, let's call it "the humorous eye-wink".

When working for betahaus, first it seemed to be hard, since we didn't know where all this would be ending (and we still don't). Thus we have chosen a special process of logo design. Because we weren't sure about what betahaus will become one day, we tried to keep the process as open as possible while doing something very concrete. That is why we started with a black box and the green cursor. We thought there is a lot to come and wanted to leave space for everything that is about to happen to us. We are still there.

I guess we won't do another step into Logodesign before we have a proper online-platform. One thing, that's for sure is that even our Logo is in perpetual beta and I myself am very curious how it will look in the end, if there is one. In the meantime check out Jens work ;)

More of it at http://www.händs.de and http://www.jensrobbers.de