betahaus Neukölln, Breakout, 2nd floor
Members: Free
Non-Members: Free
It has been proven that moving your savings to sustainable funds can be 27 times more efficient in regard to improving your personal carbon footprint than eating less meat, using public transport, reduce water use, and flying less, combined.
But where is the change in finance? What are the moves that we individually need to take to have an impact with our money?
Our habits have changed, the world around us is changing, but what about banks? Are they changing or are they practising green washing?
For this workshop, mattrvest would gladly invite you to make your first steps within the world of sustainable finance. A topic that seems easy at first but has its challenges.
After the workshop, you’ll go home with a few tips and your first steps to take to make your wallet greener. Because it can trigger a real change, and let’s face it, it will make us also feel better!
Come with an open mind and your questions! It’s happening at the betahaus on the 17th of March, you’re invited!
Please register at your earliest convenience. Space is limited. All presentations are in English.
What’s on?
· 6.30pm: Introductions from mattrvest and betahaus
· 6.40pm: Discussion and workshop
· 7.40pm: Networking session
Founded with a vision to empower digital savvy users invest in what matters to them, mattrvest is looking to build an ecosystem for sustainable finance where users can easily access and adopt sustainable finance products available in the market. Using a combination of conversational technology and smart money management algorithms, mattrvest’s proprietary smart digital assistants create curated personal finance journeys for its users, helping them to save more and save better.