“Stories create community, enable us to see through the eyes of other people, and open us to the ideas of others.” – Peter Forbes
We all have a story that is worth sharing. A well-crafted story can spark change in the world or provide comfort to those around us. They hold the power to connect us, inspire, lead, and create change. Stories can broaden our understanding, and change our perspective.
So what does storytelling have to do with you, your ideas, or your business? Well, everything! If you can’t properly communicate your ideas to your audience, they won’t be able to connect with them. They won’t be able to learn more about your vision, understand your ideas, or help you create the impact that you’re envisioning.
In this practical and interactive workshop, facilitated by creative copywriter Tess Tettelin and digital marketing consultant Jorinde Olling, you will learn how to craft your Why I Do What I Do story and deliver it in a memorable way. You will learn how to humanise complex ideas, voice them in the right words, and deliver an engaging story that conveys your ideas in a clear and powerful way.
By the end of the day, you will have the tools in place to further refine your story, along with the confidence to go out there and deliver it!
In order to make this workshop accessible to all, we would like to give you the freedom of consciously choosing with how much would you like to contribute.
As we only have 15 places available, we kindly ask you to register with a €15 commitment fee, and after the workshop we will give you the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution.