Cafe, Ground floor, betahaus
Members: Free
Regular: Donation appreciated
We are excited to invite you to:
In this event, you’ll be offered the space to connect and collaborate with people in your local community who share your vision of a sustainable planet. With key questions to stimulate new ideas, you’ll be invited to brainstorm with others, to share knowledge, set your personal goals and find creative solutions together.
We are very happy to have Erika Scarth, a certified transformational lifecoach flying in from London to guide you through this evening. Erika delivers networking events in London, bringing together creators of charities, businesses and social enterprises as well as people running their own personal projects. She also works with individuals who want to overcome their own limitations and create a positive impact in the world and in the last 5 years has worked with ex-prisoners, people experiencing physical, emotional and mental health challenges, people in long term unemployment and youth.