about betahaus
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4th of May, 2018

08:30 - 20:00


Innospace, 4th Floor, betahaus


Members: 140€

Regular: 190€


Organised by: Trustless Computing Association and TRUSTLESS.AI

Free and Safe in Cyberspace - EU Edition 2018

After 4 international editions, with amazing past speakers - twice in Brussels, and once in New York and Brazil - we are coming to Berlin on May 4th 2018 to launch a new digital renaissance, by turning cybersecurity and AI from huge threats into great opportunities, with a critical mass of leading enterprises, nations, regions, banks and digital rights NGOs.

Since our first edition in 2015, we've been catalyzing a constructive dialogue and a critical mass of the World leading experts, companies and institutions around the creation of extremely citizen-accountable and competent cybersecurity certifications - and an initial compliant free/open source computing base and ecosystem - suitable to radically-exceed the state-of-the-art of IT and AI trustworthiness, and while increasing public safety, cyber-investigation capabilities and spurring wide economic growth.

Is meaningful personal freedom and effective public safety in cyberspace an “either-or” choice? Or is it not instead a “both-or-neither” open challenge, solvable by building uncompromisingly trustless voluntary certification governance models that proved so successful in safeguarding paper-based democratic elections, nuclear sites safety and commercial aviation?
